Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

can girl get pregnant after her period

can girl get pregnant after her period

Can you get pregnant on your period? the question about whether you can get pregnant on your period or not is probably the most common of the three situations noted. A girl can get pregnant at any time of the month, even during her period. typically, though, a girl ovulates (releases an egg) in the middle of her cycle. Can a girl get pregnant right after her period ends? can a girl get pregnant when she's just a girl can even get pregnant if she has sex during her period..

Thread: Can a girl get pregnant just after she had her period?

Thread: can a girl get pregnant just after she had her period?

Can A Women Get Pregnant Right After Her Period - Doctor answers on ...

Can a women get pregnant right after her period - doctor answers on

Kidshealth > for teens > can a girl get pregnant right after her period ends? print; a a a text size can a girl get pregnant a girl can even get pregnant if she. Yes. a lot of people think that if a girl has sex during her period, she can't get pregnant. but it is possible for a girl to get pregnant while she is bleeding. this. Learn when and what days you can get pregnant during your cycle and how you can use cyclebeads to get pregnant. where day 1 is the first day of your period..

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