Senin, 26 Desember 2016

can virgins get pregnant with precum

can virgins get pregnant with precum

Can precum get a virgin pregnant? but he did have some precum, and they were both technically virgins. i know it's unlikely, but it can happen. Can you get pregnant from precum? if you were both virgins then there is no chance of stds/stis as long as you’re both faithful.. Healthboards > women > women's health > can a virgin get pregnant? he didn't *** on top of my vagina but there maybe the chance of precum.

Can you get a virgin girl pregnant with precum? we are dealing with with extreme ignorance here. all mothers were virgins at one time so yes,. Can a virgin get pregnant from pre-ejaculate? can cause pregnancy if you do penetrate but do not break the virgins can a virgin get pregnant from pre. Yes, there isn't really a difference between pre-ejaculate and ejaculate, it can have a lot of sperm in it and the guy can not even know that anything is coming out.

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